There are some moments in life that you never forget. Often relationships evolve as intimate moments are shared between two parties. Well, let me tell you, I have crossed into new territory with my cat. Today marked a new chapter in my relationship with Rafiki. I suppose his high protein diet is a little too high in protein and the awful, nay,
horrifying had to occur today: I gave my cat an enema! Just the thought of it makes my stomach turn. I did not want to do it, but vets are not easily found in Dakar. I could not stand his howls of pain so I broke down. THE HORROR! You know how Lady Macbeth could never wash the king's blood off of her hands? Well I cannot seem to wash the smell of cat poo out of my apartment. Too much info? I would say I am sorry, but I have been scarred by this experience. I need to share my terror with someone, and you, the reader of my blog, are the lucky person I am sharing it with. What has this taught me? Well, two things I suppose. 1) I love little Rafiki. 2) Cats can store up a whole lot of shit when they are constipated–oh my god! I do not wish a constipated pet on anyone, especially anyone living in West Africa where emergency vets are not as easy to come by.
What a DIVA! |
I must admit giving my cat an enema was not even the most disturbing part of this experience. As I was looking up some info on the Internet (after talking to a vet) I clicked on a link that I thought would be helpful. Turns out someone wanted to post on the Internet how much they enjoyed receiving enemas from their mother. Um...WHAT DO I EVEN SAY TO THAT?!
Freud would have had a field day. I did not. Ew.
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